It's enough to notice that the incidence of cancer, for example, is at an all time high and the cure rates using chemo-therapy, surgery or radiation vary (depending on cases) from less than 1% to at best around 20% (when the cancer is spotted early).
When you assess this staggering statistic you'll quickly realize that something here doesn't quite seem right. After all, everything you hear and see in the media "implies" that we're at least 80% successful. Yep. This is for sure the impression you're meant to receive. But it isn't strictly speaking true. Given 100 patients, for instance, 80 may have surgeries which successfully remove "all" the cancer, while the remaning 20 are "inoperable." In that case, the statistic would indeed seem to be correct: 80% "cure" rate. But that's simply not correct because of the 80% "cured" patients as many as 90% later suffer remissions. So... were they cured? Or were their symptoms simply temporarily removed?
So, we can pretty quickly all agree that the battle against diseases such as cancer is still a losing one. Western medicine is plainly failing on this front, in spite of the fact that 100 billion dollars are spent on cancer medications each year alone. Considering research grants, therapies, hospitalizations and meds, the whole "cancer business" is worth well over $500bn per year!
Given this level of funding versus this dismally low level of "cure rates" one can't help but ask some questions. Why is the success rate so low for cancer? Are some of the research funds going to alternative approaches?
And with just those two simple questions we've opened up a can of worms of staggering proportions. There are hundreds if not thousands of "alternative cures" some of which are without a doubt delusional, but some among them are surprisingly and exceptionally effective. But they're all painted with the same brush. And none receive any grants. Worse, the best ones among them are outlawed!
If you tend to take things at their face value, upon hearing something like "this such-and-such quack technique is illegal in the United States" you will automatically tend to believe it and not research it any further. Because the "media" or the "government" says so. You will settle for the official medicine's non-solution to cancer treatment and you'll casually discard what may potentially be a life-saver. You may be right thing in some cases. But equally likely, you may be wrong in others. But how would you know? The government and the medical establishment do absolutely nothing to provide you with informed choice, and - in fact - they do a LOT to disinform you about the supposed negatives of these "unsanctioned" therapies.
I can almost hear you saying that I'm beginning to sound like a conspiracy nut. Hehe... Not at all. But I did do some research. Not just a few YouTube vids, but a pretty thorough 10-year-long research complete with interviews and books and personal interactions with both sides of the argument. What I discovered is mind-numbingly outrageous. And the weirdest thing of all is that these days anyone can discover the same thing with just a little scouring of the web. And yet people still go on supporting the official position - to the exclusion of seriously looking at alternatives.
With this little introduction, I'd like to direct you to a few interesting resources on the web.
- World Without Cancer, by G. Edward Griffin - (6 parts) - this is one of the most interesting and thorough alternative researches done on this subject. By the way, G.E.Griffin was one of the advisors to Ron Paul (US Presidential Candidate) and is considered one of the world's leading authorities on the Federal Reserve (and also on alternative cancer treatments) - this video is based on his book.
- Science and Politics of Cancer, by G. Edward Griffin - (9 parts) - this covers the same ground, but with more political angles. Most interesting. And Griffin actually conducts a lecture about it, covering parts of the movie, above. Really fascinating.
- How To Cure Cancer & HIV, by Dr Bob Beck - (13 parts) - this guy is shown in this video after he suffered a stroke, hence he talks a bit funny - but he was a very famous physicist in the States, and after his stroke he discovered this interesting method. I was at first a little doubtful about him, but then I asked G.E.Griffin himself - his secretary replied that her husband was Dr Beck's long-time friend and bodyguard and that the method described here is absolutely revolutionary.
- (this was the original site)
- (this is where it got moved)
When researching this on various alternative sites, the B17/Laetrile therapy invariably has good reports, although in some cases people think other therapies may be even better. No matter. The point really is that the "official" medicine doesn't really offer a solution (other than treating symptoms rather than root causes), so (particularly when all else fails) one of those alternatives seems like just as good a method as any. In fact, basing on the hundreds of cases studies (see also the book "Laetrile Case Studies" by G.E. Griffin) the method he recommends does indeed seem to be the best.
Finally, a little story from my own backyard.
I first started researching this for the wife of a close friend (Deep Purple's manager John Coletta, r.i.p.). She was totally sold on it and ordered a whole "kit". Her doctor refused to give it to her. John refused to have "her blood on his hands". A local cancer relief charity refused to deal with this quackery too. She died a month later (she had bone marrow cancer and it was very advanced - and she was totally destroyed by chemo). But her spirit went through the roof when she spoke to these people from the WWC organization. She believed them that it works and that was already half the cure. But... it wasn't to be.
I then recommended this to an uncle of mine. The story repeated itself almost point-for-point. He ordered his set of B17 supplements and other things, and nobody would administer it to him (B17 needs to be injected when it's used to treat very advanced cases of cancer). He also died shortly afterwards.
A couple of years ago I recommended it to another close friend (Graham, here on Fame Games), who said he had a friend in the UK suffering from terminal cancer. THIS time, Graham not only convinced his friend to take it, but he even got a nurse to administer it for him. And... very quickly a remission started happening. TRUE! Until, that is, the friend went back for a scan and the doctor couldn't believe his eyes. The guy then told the doctor what he was taking. To this, the doctor almost threw him out and said that he had to stop immediately or else he would die, and that this remission was a "fluke" and NOT related to B17. And... Graham's friend did stop. Entirely. He was dead a few short months later after some more chemo.
I have spoken to my cousins and uncles (half my family are doctors!) about this and ALL of them have the same attitude towards this: it's quackery. But NONE of them have ever researched it.
What do you think...?
And then write a song about it!
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